
About Us

Founded in 1993, the Institute of Women & Ethnic Studies (IWES) is a non-profit health organization domiciled in New Orleans. Many people of color and their families do not have access to programs that address their full mental, emotional, and physical health. This prevents people from living fully healthy lives and weakens our communities. Because of this, IWES works with communities, schools, individuals, and organizations to provide tailored health and wellness services that address this lack of health options and access. We combine health education, research, media production, advocacy, and direct services to improve wellness. Ultimately, when we as a society put health first, our people live happier, more resilient lives and our communities will be stronger!



IWES is dedicated to improving the mental, physical, and spiritual health and quality of life for women, their families and communities of color, particularly among marginalized populations, using community-engaged research, programs, training, media, and advocacy.



IWES envisions a world where all people can live and create environments and communities where health and wellness are valued, prioritized, and promoted so that we can enhance everyone’s quality of life.