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gabriella valentino | Courageous • Bookworm • trauma-informed • perseverance • strength

What are some of the amazing things that Gaby has done?

  • Gaby is always available to hold space for the team. When she asks ,"How are you," she genuinely wants to know. Knowing that space is there has been invaluable for me. I'm grateful for her.

  • Gaby never skipped a beat facilitating youth-affirming, trauma-informed classes, even when schools, parents, kids, and even we didn't know how implementation would look from day to day. She is a rock and a hope to her students, and that kind of consistency and dependability as an educator is so vital and yet can't really be taught. She is honestly one of the best educators I've ever had the pleasure to work with.

  • She gives knowledge and power to folks about sexual health and overall well-being, especially women.

  • When everything was shut down, Gaby showed a lot of bravery and dedication as the only staff member who was doing in-person work!

  • She has taken up more roles to lead other teams to success.

How has Gaby supported you and your team?

  • Gaby has gone out of her way (literally!) to provide the HIV/STI initiatives portfolio with the best quality assurance. She has worked with the team through all the ebbs and flows to see us through getting observed for CTR certification. She smiled through all of the changes and challenges and I appreciate her for helping us rebuild our foundation!

  • Gaby is always encouraging me to live and feel confident. She lends an ear whenever its needed and makes me feel empowered to be a social worker.

  • She is always down to help me brainstorm ideas for my classes and offers amazing techniques for talking to young people about sensitive subjects.

  • She is always ready and available to talk about how to make things more trauma-informed for our students.

  • Despite a million competing priorities and tasks, Gaby always has a listening ear and a kind word of support.

  • It was hard for me to give someone else my beloved Women's Recovery Group but it was a comfort to know that our clients were in good hands with Gaby. Anonymous feedback forms don't lie!

What makes Gaby a great leader?

  • Gaby is a great leader because her vulnerability creates empowerment for those around her. She enlightens folks on their mind and body.

  • We don't get to teach together often but when we do it's always great to witness. She has a genuine interest in guiding youth to the root of different issues and letting them discover their own enlightenment.

  • She cares about her community and leads efforts to improve those she comes in contact with.

Anything else?

  • I wish Gaby had been my sex-ed teacher when I was in school!

MESHAWN TARVER | Passionate • compassionate • joyful • Kind • amazing • ardent • prowess • solid

What are some of the amazing things that Meshawn has done?

  • She trail-blazed our processes for conducting research virtually. Meshawn literally wrote our book for IRB-approved procedures during remote work without skipping a beat. Witnessing the way she ensures participants are fully informed of their rights and 'the ask' and completely comfortable while sharing their stories is a work of art!

  • Her constant work with mothers and the community never ceases to amaze me. She constantly makes space for women to be heard about their birthing experiences and lifts up the voices of the women in maternal care.

  • The birthing interviews and focus groups Meshawn led where people could can share their stories were amazing.

  • She often speaks with only a couple of words, yet very profound words.

How has Meshawn supported you and your team?

  • After we transitioned to remote work all our active research projects had to resubmit their processes for review, as they all changed. Meshawn showed us all the way when it felt like there was no way, with grace and kindness.

  • I miss our water cooler talks. She has always been so supportive and a great listening ear. Looking forward to being in person so we can commence our morning chats.

  • She is a beaming light and a constant resource for maternal and child care.

What makes Meshawn a great leader?

  • While her department is technically a one-woman show, you'd never know it from the powerhouse team she has gathered around the work and the immense humility she employs in guiding us!

  • She knows her stuff and doesn't mind taking the time to share information with you. She is always available to meet.

  • She fights for the community, honors self growth, and is always willing to have a water cooler hang and chat!

  • She is a one woman show! She makes it happen for her area without a team.

  • Meshawn leads with her passion for people.

Anything else?

  • Having an office by Meshawn is something I miss from pre-COVID times. She has such a calm and peaceful energy, our "water cooler" chats always left me feeling lighter.

  • Meshawn is always in good spirits and I love laughing with her.

  • She has the best energy!!! It's infectious and makes people want to work with or around her.

  • Meshawn is my professional role-model!

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JAKEVIA GREEN | steadfast • boss • rockstar • prolific • leader

What are some of the amazing things that Jakevia has done?

  • Despite us not being able to meet in person, Jakevia has done a wonderful job of keeping the team together and feeling uplifted. She works really hard to keep us all on track! I would also be remiss if I didn't mention how she holds it down when it comes to grants and reporting season.

  • Jakevia has held our whole team together with incredible vision, steadiness and an eye towards solutions over all the changes of the past year. She has been such a rock in her support of each teammate, fostering our unique spaces for growth amidst constant change. She holds together countless loose ends and never breaks a sweat.

  • Jakevia ALWAYS saves the day! She has such clarity, organization, and creativity. Jakevia helped me to level up and supported me as a new IWES family member.

How has Jakevia supported you and your team?

  • Her door is always open for me whether it be a "quick question" or just needing to vent a little. I really appreciate that and I don't take it for granted.

  • Jakevia is consistently positive and focused. She is multi-talented and so encouraging. Jakevia often says, "We will get it done," and she demonstrates efficient ways to accomplish very ambitious goals. Jakevia innately inspires me to reach higher and to stretch myself beyond my comfort zone. I appreciate her greatly.

What makes Jakevia a great leader?

  • Jakevia is a true service-leader, always one to teach rather than show, and believes in you before you ever believe in yourself. Each of my team member's lights shines so much brighter because she sets up a perfect space to glow. Especially mine!

  • She's always very transparent with us as a team. We never have to wonder about what is going on or what she's thinking. She's not afraid to do the heavy lifting when necessary. She also makes time to check in with all of us and help us to reach whatever our professional or personal goals may be.

  • Jakevia is a great leader because she sets her sights on success and blazes trails to shepherd her colleagues on the journey.

Anything else?

  • When I first joined Research/Evaluation she made me feel right at home. I came on near the end of Year 1 for the Global Early Adolescent Study and while I didn't implement with them, she accepted my thoughts about what to do in the next year as equally as the others who were already on the team. Jakevia is the best!

  • Jakevia has been my supervisor for the better part of the last decade, and I simply would not be the professional I am today without her trust, leadership, and guidance. I am forever grateful!

  • Jakevia is a natural leader. Her professionalism and work ethic can be heard during her weekly reports. She inspires me to push harder. Her presentations set the standard and challenge everyone to do better.

MORGAN WEBER | Kind • warm • constitution • loving • Peace

What are some of the amazing things that Morgan has done?

  • Morgan worked so hard behind the scenes of many Maternal and Child Health team wins; interviewing participants, developing content, preparing for discussions, and helping lay the framework for our enormous coding project. She is such an integral member of that work!

  • Morgan has been a great listening ear and made me feel grateful to work alongside her in the BY-LA team.

How has Morgan supported you and your team?

  • Even as the implementation schedule on BY-LA 2.0 has gone from 0-60, Morgan continues to ever-so-graciously make space for our collaborative work, and never once has complained about competing priorities. It's like she applied all the grace of dance to that movement through her work!

  • Working with Morgan on #GetYaMindRight, she radiates warmth and kindness. Being tossed into the project, she was gracious and brought a calming and healing energy to every session she was a part of.

  • Morgan always has a giggle or a funny story to offer even in the midst of hard times!

  • Morgan has reached out to catch up virtually or co-work together in the virtual space.

Anything else?

  • Morgan subbed in on one of the most raucous class periods I have ever taught, and I've been teaching a long time! Even on a new curriculum, with a new age group AND in a new school, she did not bat an eye as we tag teamed around over 30 very, very energized 7th grade girls—so much energy that at one point break-dancing erupted :). Her unwavering constitution in that moment is probably all that kept me sane!

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Denese Shervington | magnanimous • compassionate • thoughtful • calming • passionate

What are some of the amazing things that Dr. Shervington has done?

  • Dr. Shervington is always looking for ways to help heal our communities and I think this has really shown during the pandemic with #GetYaMindRight. She helped to create a space for people to come and decompress during this stressful time. She already has a busy schedule, but she somehow found more time to lead these sessions when she could have opted not to. She knew there was a need for this and decided to meet it.

  • During the pandemic, she constantly showed concern and empathy for those affected with COVID. Several of the staff—including myself—were infected with the virus and Dr. Shervington contacted me almost daily to check in and receive an update on my health status.

  • Dr. Shervington leads with grace, class, and transparency. She is awesome at manifesting theory and ideas into successful programs that go above and beyond for the community.

  • Dr. Shervington has given her heart, soul, time, and energy to keeping IWES afloat since it's inception, but especially since the pandemic. She has shown immense flexibility in being able to pivot and lead the organization on a new journey, possessing immense calm and strength along the way.

How has Dr. Shervington supported you and your team?

  • I have learned to practice peace and have become unapologetic about placing my mental and emotional health at the very top of my priority list by mirroring Dr. Shervington's calmness, even during stressful and chaotic situations.

What makes Dr. Shervington a great leader?

  • She truly cares about each of us here at IWES. Even in the beginning of the pandemic when things felt very uncertain, she made sure to reassure us and listen to everyone when deciding how to proceed. She could just make decisions on her own, but she values everyone's input. Being able to listen and truly hear others is a quality of a great leader and Dr. Shervington has it!

  • Dr. Shervington leads the IWES organization with integrity and ethics. Her authenticity is consistent and she is always thinking of innovative ways to continue the work at IWES.

  • I continue to be amazed that Dr. Shervington shows up for the world and uses her organic ingredients to share her recipes of success with others. I appreciate that she develops her staff and makes space for us to grow as leaders according to our respective strengths and talents.

  • Dr. Shervington always looks for ways to strengthen and enhance every program, and offers herself up in any way she can to make them successful.

  • Dr. Shervington challenges me to work towards individual healing. Even in settings outside of work, I find myself mediating on a quote or a poem she shared. Her passion for healing and growth makes her a great leader in many spaces.

Anything else?

  • Dr. Shervington's voice and exemplary style of demonstrating mindfulness has supported my growth and development substantially.

kala rachal | Drive • old soul • Connected • engaged • traveled

What are some of the amazing things that Kala has done?

  • Kala has not stopped for a second in her outreach work to partners, which goes to highlight how powerful her operations management skills are!

  • Kala's commitment to engagement in the community outside of her work is incredible. She is an advocate and an amazing cook!

  • Kala has been such a strong leader in establishing community relationships and implementation partners, and supporting educators in all of the coordination and logistics. Super star!

  • She continues to share her value of health through healthy diet and food choices.

How has Kala supported you and your team?

  • Her realness and her beautiful orange wall are always refreshing to see!

  • Kala is always there to talk with and is organized and focused in all that she does.

  • I've had some pretty intense moments as an educator and Kala has always been sure to check in, even outside of office time. It has meant a lot.

  • Kala supported The MORE Project by reaching out to a partner and involving the agency in the work. She is outgoing and does a great job at building partnerships.

What makes Kala a great leader?

  • Kala leads by example, with a tireless ethic and quiet, yet fierce poise.

  • I feel taken care of under Kala's guidance and appreciate her great attention to detail, communication and community building!

  • Kala is the reason that we as educators are able to do our jobs so smoothly. I cannot even imagine how much work she does behind the scenes to make everything happen, but I am so thankful for it. We're teaching more than ever, from 5 different curriculums—3 of which are new—during a pandemic, all virtual and there has not been one time where I reached out to Kala and she wasn't able to answer my question, no matter how big or small.

  • New Orleans aside, Kala's deep knowledge of Louisiana, and her sensible and down-to-earth demeanor make her such a joy to work with and a cherished community liaison in helping to form successful partnerships. She is from St. James Parish!

Anything else?

  • I deeply admire Kala's commitment to bettering the health and wellness of her community in any way she can. She has made inroads in environments I never dreamed we'd be able to work. She is quite the inspiration!

  • Kala has the cutest dog!

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RYANN MARTINEK | thoughtful • zestful • enthusiastic • caring • compassionate

What are some of the amazing things that Ryann has done?

  • Ryann is a very compassionate and thoughtful person and it feels like I've never heard her say a bad thing about anyone, ever. She is very kind and inclusive, and it's been such a pleasure to get to know more about her throughout the pandemic through things like PhotoVoice and other shared staff time.

  • She bought a house! Congrats, Ryann!

What makes Ryann a great leader?

  • She is very thoughtful and calm. She always sees the bright side of things!

  • No matter what else is going on outside of work, personally or community-wide, Ryann approaches the work each day with a spirit of gratitude and determination. I have rarely had the opportunity to work with someone so consistent and supportive. Even more so, Ryann exemplifies being a 'critical-lover,' approaching systems and barriers with an eye to understand and a heart to foster growth.

  • Ryann truly cares about the growth and learning of young people and is committed to being an educator. When she speaks about her students, her face lights up and conveys such genuine emotion that you know that she shows up as a compassionate, thoughtful, welcoming and approachable leader in all of her classrooms.

Anything else?

  • During Photovoice, Ryann often has a kind word to share and expresses true interest in everyone’s lives through her thoughtful questions and praise.

  • Ryann’s presentation about Alaska was very informative and really made me want to visit - after the pandemic, that is!


What are some of the amazing things that Zoe has done?

  • Zoe has worked so hard and non-stop with the auditors to provide everything required to complete the most recent audit.

  • On top of being a greater leader to the Admin team, Zoe has also been a great reference or "CliffsNotes" on how to raise kids. When the team has shared moments of parental hardship her stories provide a fun and engaging perspective on family life.

  • Zoe is so smart and talented. She shares so much of herself with us and she makes us all feel special by having a unique relationship with each of us. I think we all feel like we are her favorite team member!

How has Zoe supported you and your team?

  • Zoe uses humor to get us through some intense moments, but she also balances her humor with compassion and support. You can feel her heart even when there are few words.

  • Zoe has been keeping the IWES staff going since the pandemic started. Whatever is needed, she has always been there to assist and provide.

What makes Zoe a great leader?

  • Zoe is a great leader because she leads from the heart. She is approachable and she is direct so there is no question about her expectations. As a result, Zoe supports the staff in exceeding expectations and leads us in "The IWES Way."

  • Zoe has the ferocity needed to manage people and run an organization.

  • Zoe keeps us all in orbit!

  • Zoe is always available to assist the staff with her leadership skills and quick to add a little humor to whatever she's doing.

Anything else?

  • Zoe is a joy to work with.

  • Zoe is open about her work and family life and that allows her team to share and take notes.

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