CHC Is Having a Fun-Filled Summer


On Saturday, June 3rd, CHC members Aunjenee’ Coner and Austin Davenport led the families of Hotel Hope in a series of outdoor activities for “Water Day!” Kiddie pools with fishing toys, water balloon tosses, and bubble making were just a few activities designed to encourage curiosity and exploration while making memories. One of our Co-Executive Directors, Ava Rogers, attended the event and she said:

“Water day at Hotel Hope was fantastic! On one of the hottest days of the year, the moms and kids enjoyed playing together, splashing each other, and making gigantic bubbles! It was a terrific and refreshing way for moms and kids to bond and make memories. I am grateful for having had the opportunity to participate.”


This summer CHC Program Associate Jemila Dunham and two IWES Policy Advisory Fellows (PAFs) had a blast supporting Girls Rock New Orleans’ 2023 Summer Camp. Girls Rock New Orleans uses music education to create a youth-centric space that encourages creative expression and fosters social consciousness, working to build the collective power of girls, trans, and gender non-conforming communities within the Greater New Orleans area. One of our PAFs, Ka’sha Fenceroy, also facilitated an anti-oppression workshop on the first day of camp and was joined later in the week by another PAF, Ama Sumbry, as a volunteer for the culminating showcase on June 24th at The Howlin’ Wolf! It was a great experience and we look forward to collaborating for next year’s camp, too! 


Saturday, July 22nd, PAFs Tiwani Oseni, Ama Sumbry, and Keondra Carter led Hotel Hope families through activity stations alongside CHC Associates Aunjenee’ Coner and Austin Davenport. Fellows took the lead in planning and facilitating family bonding activities and helping families create take-away items for memories. The PAFs decided to create four individual activity stations dedicated to sensory play, emotional exploration, and storytelling to encourage imagination, creativity, and social connection.


Interested in learning more about IWES’ Collective for Healthy Communities (CHC) initiative? Contact IWES CHC Director, Christina Illarmo.